Monday, June 4, 2012

We've arrived in Indonesia!

The Feast at the Mayor's
We have arrived! Waking up to lush hills was a wonderful welcome to Indonesia. On June 1st we on loaded our first patients and translators. I was so anxious and and extremely excited to recover my first patient out of surgery. I was assigned a 41 yo male who was scheduled to come out of surgery around 1130.... 6 hours later as my shift was coming to and end he arrived. I ended up assuming care and responsibility for him for 2 hours. My corpsman did a great job assisting me and we  both learned a lot about recovering a pt straight out of the OR and running a nerve block. 
I also had the opportunity to assist in recovering a 4 month old post lateral clef lip repair and little ear tubes! She was beautiful and being a part of a life changing surgery for her was very special. We had her in the ICU just to make sure her airway was stable. She recovered like a champion and began feeding after two hours!!!

Yesterday I got to get off the ship and foot a breakfast at the mayors house.  We ha a full spread of authentic food and great hosts. It seriously prepared me for the humidity and heat of the next  6 days. That was the first day I have ever set foot in another country!!!
Practice makes perfect!

This morning I am going to my first MEDCAP Medical Civic Action Program today for 5 nights!!! We are being flown in the helicopter to our site!!! This is all a very exciting adventure. It's going to be hot. We are expecting to see 300+ people a day. This island has no doctors and one nurse for 83,000 people. Pray for safety and some cool breezes!!!!

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