Sunday, July 29, 2012

Responding to my Nursing Friends!

One of our patients wives, during his 4 day stay, she stripped
beds after patients left before our staff could get to them.
Then fold linens and scrape meal plates. Contagious smile

Pediatric patient on the ship receiving treatment
Clinically, what stood out to me in Vietnam? That seems to be what all  my nursing friends are inquiring about, well the necessity for dermatology was astounding. Many of the stories shared by the patients seeking care aboard the USNS Mercy were horrific testimonies of hate crimes,  jealousy feuds, and abuse. The ship's dermatologist was in high demand providing laser scar revision and contracture release treatment to burn victims. In the post-operative role, I took care of a very brave 3-year-old  girl who had been burned in a house fire in an intentional fit of rage. 85% of her body surface suffered 3rd degree burns and although she miraculously survived this horrific event only 4 months prior to boarding the Mercy, her road to recovery and self worth will be a long one. The dermatologist was able to release some of the contractures behind her knees, around her ankles, hands, and buttocks which enables her to stand with straighter posture and grip a fork that will provide her the freedom to feed herself.  The  procedure essentially put microscopic holes in the skin through the scars of the dermis and epidermis giving the skin a second chance to  heal and stretch. It looks like you are aerating your lawn obviously  with a more delicate tactic!
This is the cosumi the Japanese ship that partnered with
PP12 this is the fair well sail as they passed us on our port side

Burns were second to motor vehicle accidents for mortality in children in Vietnam. Many children have  accidental burns from the cultural way of cooking on low stone stoves with open flame, scalding water boiling on the stove, or the cooking
grease. As mentioned before some were intentional acid burns, kerosene burns, and diesel house fires. When I was at the children’s hospital it was very eye-opening to see how well the children were healing on the burn ward, even when resources were scarce and caregivers and  nurses were spread thin. I applaud the Pediatric Hospital in Vin for their level of care and competency. We worked alongside very skilled nurses and surgeons.

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