Friday, August 10, 2012

The VOICE of the 1MC

So today was D-day... Departure day for me from the Mercy. It was also the 100th day since I boarded in San Diego! On the 5 hour bus ride to the Capitol city of Phnom Penh we were teasing about missing the overhead announcements from the loud speaker also known as the 1MC. So listed below are some of the announcements you could expect to hear in a daily basis. I am sure I missed a few lines since this was just from memory. But you get the point. I will not miss waking up out of a dead sleep to a 4 am flight quarters announcement! 

The following is a test of the 1MC at the sound of this bell it will be 12 noon **ring** test complete, please regard all further alarms.

Ahhhh mercy... For the knowledge all hands there will be a general Christian service held in the chapel at 0930

Ding ding-- ding ding-- destroyer squadron 7 commander arriving

Ding ding-- ding ding--medical treatment facility Mercy commander arriving
Flight quarters flight quarters the weather decks from frame 40-74 are secured. Refrain from throwing articles overboard, the smoke lamp is out, no flash photography.... The following is a test of the Helo crash alarm. (Siren) test complete, regard all further alarms.

Man down, I repeat man down. Medical response team to tack . __-___-___ (location)

For the knowledge of all hands there will be an ice cream social held on the mess decks at 2030. :)

Please stand by for evening prayer...

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