Thursday, May 3, 2012

He was just doing his job! :)

My first meltdown... 2030May 2,2012 
I came through the pier gate to get BACK on the Mercy. One more rule I have yet to been instructed on since according to everyone, 'you are a civilian do what you want!' 
Apparently you have to be escorted through the gate. I have been coming and going for 4 days... This was the first time I was stopped. Then this E-4 called the base chief police officer.   Yes tears started coming down my face as 20 crew members came through the gate as I stood there next to the police. Then I had to figure out the number to the ship and call the person at the check-in to come down with the roster to prove I could be here. Please let's depart tomorrow so I can get my military ID card issued! 
I bet this is the only excitement this young man had for the whole evening considering this is an unarmed humanitarian vessel.

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