Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Navy Time!

Ok so we planned on setting sail yesterday 0930 we began mannin the rails. Basically everyone was in uniform and as a formality they stand along the rail as the ship pulls out. Well we stood there until 1100 and then the captain called over the loud speaker that we were on a delay because they could not get the forward propoltion of the ship going. The engineering team found the problem and said it could take 24-48 hours to fix! So the captain gave everyone liberty until 0630 today.
I stayed on base and went to dinner at the pub and then went to a free movie! Played some pool and got to know some of the navy and army crew! Today at "muster" 0630 the time we check-in to our departments the captain came on overhead again and said that once the coast guard clears us we will be underway at 1600. So... Today so far I have had mustered, had breakfast, a meeting, gone to the gym and its only 0935!!! :) my next meeting is at 1230 after lunch. Hopefully today when the tug boats arrive we'll actually be leaving.
Once the ship pulls out we have to land the helicopters on deck and then meet up with a fueling vessel. Then we'll really be underway.
So far the captain said with this delay we may not stay in Hawaii and it might just be a place to pickup more crew. 500 more people to be exact.

Living spaces are tight. Showers are Nasty! But have warm water! And I realized today that I put my stuff in the wrong shower locker! But that bed must be empty because no one has said anything!! I am on the bottom rack and my bunk mate is really nice she is an MA3 so basically a military police higher rank in the enlisted. She said no one wants to talk to her in the racks because she's the police!!! Sakarya is her name!

I am spending my time with everyone! Surprise Surprise! But I met another NGO (Non governmental organization) her name is Helle and she is a Vet from Denmark! She did a comparable mission last year and when I get frustrated about the disorganization so far she reminds me that last year was way worse!
Ok hopefully I'll get to update you that we are underway!!

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