Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Great Wait

One week ago I began my road trip home and one week from tomorrow the ship will sail!
I have been blessed by so many friends and my family as I sit and wait for this journey. I am not good at sitting... but I am REALLY good at keeping busy! I hope I don't exhaust you as I share my busy week....
Meridith (friend from OK bible study) and I began the drive to CA Sunday after church. My car was packed and I saved some room for her bag! I trusted my 2010 Nissan Altima and I trusted Meridith. Now I almost lost her confidence in me as I began pulling out of her apartment complex and I drove over the curb I thought I had reversed past! Opps! Or goal was to drive to Albuquerque, NM for the night, but it was only 6pm and daylight as we approached NM. I did not sleep much the night before, but Meridith was sure we could make it to Flagstaff, AZ by 11pm PST, 1am (OK time!) Ye of little faith, Kelly! We made IT! 11:15 pm and our only bummer was a rock cracked the window. (Now named Buuddddy!) I made her get up by 7am and we ventured to Sedona, AZ. See our adventures from that day below! We hiked 7miles!

Then we ventured down to Phoenix and stayed the night with one of my friends Alison. We giggled as we looked at OLD camp pictures from 2000-2003 and the letters I mailed her while in Junior High. It's funny to see what was important to me then. Lucky me! I will be visiting Alison in China come August when she begins her teaching job and I end my commitment with Project HOPE.

Then we spend a morning with a young girl special to my heart! Miss Savannah was one of my campers as I was Alisons. She is full of life and passion that just flow out of her. Breakfast, coffee, and silly pictures around town filled our morning. There will be a picture collage below where you can see her beautiful smile! We had to leave as today was the day we would arrive at HOME!

After living in OK for 4 1/2 years the CA freeways felt very unfamiliar! It was evident as I missed the exit to not one, but two almost three freeways! We were so ready to be done driving and Meridith was a faithful co-pilot, calm and nice in our tired state! We made it home after covering 1,568 miles!

HOME has been wonderful! Some highlights, Beach, kayaking, sunburns, hot tubs, beach 2, college best friend spending the weekend with me! Pedicures, going to the Clubhouse, walking around at the Spectrum (outdoor mall/food), trying on dresses with Stacy at a real showroom! (thank you Emily!) I got to take home a dress!
NOT such a highlight... driving around the 101 freeway for 20mins and not being able to find my way on. Asking for directions in LA and no one helping...(almost made me want to go back to OK!) Instead I found my way on the freeway and came HOME!

Most everything is ready to take on the ship, but FIRST I need to pack to go to VEGAS tonight! haha. See I told you I can't sit still. It runs in the Scatton Blood!

Below is a picture of all the friends I have been blessed to spend time with this week!

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