Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reality Week

This adventure is becoming more of a reality every day.
1. My bags are packed and my bed is being picked up tonight.
2. Last night the Hope Medical Director sent a 'Welcome' e-mail out to the volunteers about our embark date and a few things to remember regarding visas and immunizations.
3.Today I feel like I was in a fight and I became the punching bag... I got 5 immunizations and OHHH boy they feel so delightful!

Then I was blessed beyond any expectations from my co-workers at a farewell party today. I think that is when the emotions started churning and reality sunk in deep. It is weird to be leaving a job you love and enjoy. This was my first 'big girl' job and I don't know if I'll ever find a better atmosphere to work and with the great camaraderie we possess on 5 East. My friends gifted me with clever and thoughtful blessings. Below is a picture of the creativity of Kathy Scott aka "Mama Kathy"

She made a goody bag with creative snacks... Goldfish, smore adventure goldfish, Swedish fish, life savers, Chips Ahoy, Finding Nemo gummy snacks, Cap'n Crunch, Sun glasses,vsome goggles, and floaties!!

Then she crafted a box of essentials! The box top said "We love you Kelly 5 East" then on the box were stickers of fish and beach chairs. Pictures of the USNS Mercy (my future work) and Integris Baptist Medical Center (my current workplace) were visible through the sides. The girls at work have been teasing that I'll come back married after being on a boat with Sailors so one side of the box had  'here comes the bride' stickers. :) That joke tied into some fishnet stockings which may help me catch fish and if not so lucky there then maybe I can use them to catch a sailor! Hehe. The essentials which are exactly that include; Imodium, pepto bismal (avoid travelers diarrhea!) Sunblock, Aloe, Insect repellent spray and a cool Bug Band, a first aid kit, hygiene items, and a sponge bob toothbrush.

If you know me at all in my work mode I am on top of it... somehow I know what's going on all around me and with other peoples pts. But over the last week or so my co-workers have cleverly passed around a card and collected a generous 'rainy day' fund for me. I think that's when I got emotional. :)

The card was very sweet, but I don't think I can ever look at Skittles the same again. A few weeks ago Kevin gave me a very nice complement. He said "What will do when you leave? A rainbow just appears as you walk in a room!" Kevin brought two big bags of Skittles and wrote "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone..."

Thank you IBMC 5 East Family for supporting me as I became an independent nurse. You helped me as I learned how to become a tech and accomplish 10-12 baths in a day and then you welcomed me as I graduated College as an RN. You walked with me through my first medication error (lucky it was not giving a med vs. giving the wrong med) dang INR/Coumadin! (Thanks Val!) I had your support when I sang to my first patient as he took his last breath rm 952. Then somehow for the next year and a half I so happened to be assigned to every comfort care pt. ;) Thanks Lex! From that experience I will one day be a Hospice Nurse. I learned how to attune into the needs of my patients and recognize subtle changes. I also learned that I am not always right nor am I always wrong. I learned how to be a patient advocate. And I learned how to teach the next generation of nursing students! I love students!

Tomorrow is my last day of work at IBMC 5 East, but everything I have learned can be credited to you!

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